For a Joomla 4 project I wrote a Content Plugin to grab video thumbs from Video-URLs (Vimeo) the user adds into Custom form field of a frontend form. The following code successfully gets the video thumbnail onContentBeforeSave(). But the manipulated $data object which holds all the form data, seems not get saved to the database. How to make sure the manipulated $data object gets saved properly?
class PlgContentVideothumbgrabber extends CMSPlugin
public function onContentBeforeSave($context, $article, $isNew, $data)
if(!in_array($context, array('com_content.form')))
return true;
$vimeo = $data['com_fields']['pa-video-vimeo'];
$thumbnail = $this->_grab_vimeo_thumbnail($vimeo, 'HIGH');
// The $thumbnail holds video thumbnail correctly here.
// How to save the manipulated $data object to database?
$data['com_fields']['pa-video-screenshot'] = $thumbnail;
return true;
public static function _grab_vimeo_thumbnail($vimeo_url, $thumbNamilQuality = '')