I need to use a library I found on Github in an existing component, but my near non-existent knowledge of NAMESPACE is making it impossible.
To merge PDF files, I'm using the library at https://github.com/gabrielchavezme/pdf-table-of-content. The standalone code that works is below. However, when used within my Joomla controller or CLI scripts, everything crashes when it interferes with Joomla.
How can I use this library from with Joomla?
UPDATE: For POC, I did try it outside the controller class, and of course it was a total failure, which is when I tried it at the top of a CLI script, and had the same kind of problems. In short, I don't know where I should be trying to put it into Joomla.
namespace GabrielChavez\PdfTableOfContent;
use GabrielChavez\PdfTableOfContent\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException;
use GabrielChavez\PdfTableOfContent\Exceptions\NoFilesDefinedException;
use GabrielChavez\PdfTableOfContent\PdfTableOfContent;
use TCPDI;
require_once ('libraries/pdfTOC/vendor/autoload.php');
$pdfMerge = new PdfTableOfContent();
'file' => '2018_01_08_RM_Exhibit_A.pdf',
'title' => 'File 1',
'id' => 1
'file' => '2018_01_08_RM_Exhibit_B.pdf',
'title' => 'File 2',
'id' => 2
before youruse