What is a basic/minimal skeleton structure on which to build a component without extending the Joomla MVC classes? The skeleton should install and uninstall, not throw any errors, and be practically usable as a starting point for development. Subquestions include: what J4 changes may effect such a skeleton? & what features does one lose, eg. template overrides.

Warning: You should not take such an approach unless you know what you are doing. This approach is especially not suitable for applications built for distribution. If you are a beginner you are better off following the component tutorial in the docs and then using component creator or some other approach to speed up development and follow best practice etc.

1 Answer 1


Here is my suggestion which I would install using discovery.

  • Doesn't include any Joomla access checks
  • Doesn't allow any template overrides
  • Doesn't allow for non-sef urls
  • Doesn't allow for any JHtml built routes



Description: While it works to include the manifest in the frontend, if there is no administation file structure this does cause errors with uninstallion so I include the manifest there with an index.html file just to keep it company

Location: /administator/components/com_minimal/minimal.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="3.7.0" method="upgrade">

    <description>Testing Only</description>
    <creationDate>Dec 2017</creationDate>

    <files folder="site">

        <files folder="admin">



Entry File

Location: /components/com_minimal/minimal.php

Description: Catches up to 5 url segments from the router, presumably one would inject whatever you want from joomla into your own code here

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$max_segments = 5;

$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$segments = [];
    $segments[] = $jinput->get('segment'.$i,'','CMD');

// load your own custom php application here
echo "<pre>" . print_r($segments,1) . "</pre>";



Location: /components/com_minimal/router.php

Description: splits the url segments into input variables starting from the component base menu item , ie. /menu-item/{segment0}/{segment1} etc. The build method is required to exist but is not used.

Class MinimalRouter extends JComponentRouterBase
    public function build(&$query)

    public function parse(&$segments)
        $vars = [];
        foreach($segments as $i => $s){
            $vars['segment' . $i] = $s;            
        return $vars;


Default Menu Item

Location: /components/com_minimal/views/minimal/tmpl/default.xml

Description: Provides a Menu Item Type to point to the component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metadata><fields name="params"></fields></metadata>

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