I have a problem rendering breadcrumbs in a custom component.

1) I need to render breadcrumbs in my component like this:


But I don't know how to render breadcrumbs core component in my component.

or how to load breadcrumbs for menu "menu_item_level_1" (let's say it has id=1).

The problem is that the breadcrumbs module needs a menu item. But I can only create a menu item for a specific page like this /component/com_mycomponent/?id=1. I can't create a menu for a dynamic url like: /component/com_mycomponent/?id=$id

Can someone help me?

1 Answer 1


Ok, Iguess I found decision BY MYSELF!

1) Add .xml file to view, that will match your .php file in view's layout.

Example: you have com_competition\site\views\competition\tmpl\default.php

Add default.xml in the same directory with code. The main thing to remember is that it's name should match with the name of your .php layout file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <metadata> <layout title="COM_COMPETITION_COMPETITION_VIEW_DEFAULT_TITLE"> <message>COM_COMPETITION_COMPETITION_VIEW_DEFAULT_DESC</message> </layout> <fields name="request" addfieldpath="/administrator/components/com_competition/models/fields" > </fields> </metadata>

2) Go to admin panel and add new menu item and choose your type link "COM_COMPETITION_COMPETITION_VIEW_DEFAULT_TITLE".

3) You can send $id this way in browser home/your_menu_1/your_new_component_menu/?id=2

So, follow this steps you will create SEF links and add breadcrumbs to your component. Cheers! Profit

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