My site is, running Joomla 3.6.1. I've used Joomla!for several years, and my standard method for creating a new blog entry is to create an article, flag it "Published" and "Featured", and save it. The category is "-News", which I've often used. I don't link blog articles to a menu.
I created an article last Wednesday, and the article has never appeared at the top of the blog. (I was out of town over the rest of the week.) The system clearly knows it's there because the "Latest Articles" module lists it; but I want the text to show in the blog and it doesn't. I created the new article on the same evening I upgraded to 3.6.1 - so I actually wrote it in 3.6.0. But today I deleted the old article, and created a new article with the same text; and it won't display either.
I feel I must be missing something stupid, can anyone advise me? I'm trying to announce a meeting that takes place in about 5 days. Have there been other reports like this about Joomla 3.6.1?