My problem is clear, I have a module on a sample Joomla project and I want to transfer is as it is to another Joomla site of mine. How might that be possible? I have searched the database and found the entries about the modules, but I have seen that there might be mutliple entries for each mod_* folder. Which is the way to go?


2 Answers 2


You can copy and paste the mod_* folder to get the files and scripts.

You can find the row about the module on #__extensions to get the configuration params.

In #__modules and #__modules_menu you can find how it is showed on site. But you can reconfigure by Joomla Administrator and after copy and paste the params if necessary


Your site has many module instances in #__modules. One for each created module in Module Manager. For instance, if you have 10 Custom Html modules, you will find 10 records for mod_custom.

You only have to insert in your target site the instance that your are looking for.

Also, notice that you are not copying menu assignment (#__modules_menu). You have to manually assign the module in the target site.

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