I am using Bootstrap Mega Menu Module to create multicolumn sub menus under main menu. My menu tree is like:

Home (Single article, default)
Fields of Study (Article Category List: show articles in a category named FoS)
- History (Single article: under FoS)
- Literature (Single article FoS)
- Social researches (Single article FoS)

If I use Joomla's built-in menu module, I can see sub menu items when I click on "Fields of Study" item. There is no postback.


If I use Bootstrap Mega Menu Module, the page opens the category list page when I click on "Fields of Study" item. eventhough I can see the submenu opens, I cannot click on the items in it, because the page reloads.

  • What Joomla version? Have you tried different templates?
    – jonboy
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 11:50

1 Answer 1


This sounds like it could be a known conflict between jQuery and Mootools. Solution, disable mootools. I'd suggest @phproberto's excellent Mootable plugin as it will allow you to cleanly and completely remove Mootools with a high degree of control: https://github.com/phproberto/plg_sys_mootable

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