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I'm trying to set up a custom scheduled task and I want to utilise the Rules parameters as part of my logic to get other records from the database.

So my question is how do I get the json rules? I've tried the following in my mytaskTask.

private function mytaskTask(ExecuteTaskEvent $event) : int
    // Your task goes here
    $rules$taskType  = $event->getArgument('execution_rules''routineId');

    // get the rules
    $db    = $this->getDatabase();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $query->select(' execution_rules ' );
    $query->where($db->quoteName('type').' = '.$db->quote($taskType) );
    try {
        $rules = $db->loadResult();
        $this->logTask('Retrieved task rules', 'notice');
    } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
        return Status::KNOCKOUT;
    $rulesObj = json_decode($rules);
    $ruleType = $rulesObj->rule-type;

UPDATED: So now I'm able to get the rules as a JSON string in $rulesObj however when I try to get the rule type I get the terminated dialogue box with the message:

JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

When I display the variable $rulesObj I see the result as:

stdClass Object
    [rule-type] => interval-days
    [interval-days] => 1
    [exec-day] => 21
    [exec-time] => 05:19

As usual, all guidance appreciated.

I'm trying to set up a custom scheduled task and I want to utilise the Rules parameters as part of my logic to get other records from the database.

So my question is how do I get the json rules? I've tried the following in my mytaskTask.

private function mytaskTask(ExecuteTaskEvent $event) : int
    // Your task goes here
    $rules  = $event->getArgument('execution_rules');

As usual, all guidance appreciated.

I'm trying to set up a custom scheduled task and I want to utilise the Rules parameters as part of my logic to get other records from the database.

So my question is how do I get the json rules? I've tried the following in my mytaskTask.

private function mytaskTask(ExecuteTaskEvent $event) : int
    // Your task goes here
    $taskType  = $event->getArgument('routineId');

    // get the rules
    $db    = $this->getDatabase();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
    $query->select(' execution_rules ' );
    $query->where($db->quoteName('type').' = '.$db->quote($taskType) );
    try {
        $rules = $db->loadResult();
        $this->logTask('Retrieved task rules', 'notice');
    } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
        return Status::KNOCKOUT;
    $rulesObj = json_decode($rules);
    $ruleType = $rulesObj->rule-type;

UPDATED: So now I'm able to get the rules as a JSON string in $rulesObj however when I try to get the rule type I get the terminated dialogue box with the message:

JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

When I display the variable $rulesObj I see the result as:

stdClass Object
    [rule-type] => interval-days
    [interval-days] => 1
    [exec-day] => 21
    [exec-time] => 05:19

As usual, all guidance appreciated.

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Scheduled Task - Plugin to use Rules

I'm trying to set up a custom scheduled task and I want to utilise the Rules parameters as part of my logic to get other records from the database.

So my question is how do I get the json rules? I've tried the following in my mytaskTask.

private function mytaskTask(ExecuteTaskEvent $event) : int
    // Your task goes here
    $rules  = $event->getArgument('execution_rules');

As usual, all guidance appreciated.