You need to create (ifIf you don't already have) an override to the registration script. For step-by-step instructions on creating an override to scripts, you can referneed to the following blog:
On Joomla 4,create one by copying the registrationoriginal script that needs to be updated followsthe override folder. For Joomla 4 on MS Windows:
templates\<Your_Template_Name>\html\com_users\registration\defaultcopy <proj_folder>\components\com_users\tmpl\registration\default.php <proj_folder>\<Your_Template_Name>\html\com_users\registration\default.php
ApplyThen, you need to apply the following changes to itthe new script (above).
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
// more statements...
<div class="com-users-registration registration">
<!-- more statements -->
<!-- Add the following JavaScript code to the end of the script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Find the email and username input fields
var emailField = document.getElementById('jform_email1');
var usernameField = document.getElementById('jform_username');
var usernameLabel = document.getElementById('jform_username-lbl');
// Uncomment the following to make sure the correct elements are selected. If any of the following is null, check the IDs used above.
// alert("all of the following should have values (NOT null)"
// + "\n - usernameField: " + usernameField
// + "\n - emailField: " + emailField
// + "\n - usernameLabel: " + usernameLabel);
// Hide the username "input elemnet" and its "label" = 'none'; = 'none';
// Make sure the emailField exists
if (emailField) {
// Assign the value of the email field to the username field
emailField.addEventListener('blur', function () {
// Trim spaces
var emailValue = emailField.value.trim();
// Assign the email as the username
usernameField.value = emailValue;
<div class="com-users-registration registration">
<!-- more statements -->