I have been fighting the same problem for two full days now, going over lesson 10 of Robbie Jacksons excellent video explanations in this series https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Developing_an_MVC_Component/Developing_a_Basic_Component again and again.
In lesson 10 he tries out his own alternative approach and he comes up with this redirect in his subcontroller to make the View Class based on JControllerForm use the edit.php layout:
It works! It really picks up the edit.php template. However, using the same technicque I failed to make it use another template (mine was called add.php). Even though, the View class picks up the name of the layout file, it somehow ends up using edit.php anyway. Hours of debugging in VS_code with XDebug, searching API-docs etc. did not give me the solution.
In the end I ended up writing alternative subcontroller -, view- and model classes to handle add-functionality. When the view class has only one template in the tmpl-folder I managed to make it pick the right one, even if it not called default.php.
Not a fully satisfactory solution I know, but at least you know that you are not the only one out there fighting the steep learning curve of Joomla programming:-)