I'm getting an error aswhen trying to save edits in my custom component.
I have another edit.php that works just well.
I identified that the problem lies in the table file, especificallyspecifically in the function check();
When iI have the function in my table file, whenever iI save the edit, it gives me an SQL error:
`table_users` was not locked with LOCK TABLES`
`table_users` was not locked with LOCK TABLES
when iWhen I take the function out, it gives me a different error (Thethe weirdest part is that even with the function not being there, it still says the function name):
> Error Save failed with the following error: Invalid `parent_id` [0] in
> PrefixNameTableTableName::check()
Error Save failed with the following error:
[0] in PrefixNameTableTableName::check()
theThe problem is that iI don't need parent_idparent_id
. How can iI solve it?