Update 2
After trying every possible way I could imagine I finally found the solution and I've been pretty close with the version I mentioned in this post.
class BookstoreRouter extends JComponentRouterView
public function __construct($app = null, $menu = null)
$books = new JComponentRouterViewconfiguration('books');
$book = new JComponentRouterViewconfiguration('book');
parent::__construct($app, $menu);
$this->attachRule(new JComponentRouterRulesMenu($this));
$this->attachRule(new JComponentRouterRulesStandard($this));
$this->attachRule(new JComponentRouterRulesNomenu($this));
public function getBookSegment($id, $query)
if (strpos($query['id'], ':') === false) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$dbquery = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('id = ' . $db->quote($id));
$id .= ':' . $db->loadResult();
return array((int)$id => $id);
public function getBookId($segment, $query)
return (int)$segment;
In my understanding Nestable was necessary for Parent. Seems I got it all wrong. Works like a charm now.