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Restore deleted user

I have a Joomla system (v3.8) which is running well.

Unfortunately, however, one of our administrator user record has accidentally been deleted. I need to restore it because we're now getting errors on pages on the site stating that this userID is missing, so there is obviously some cross-linked data that references it; probably the owner/creator of various content records. The user should have been deactivated rather than being deleted.

I have backups, but other DB changes have occurred in the interim that I don't want to lose, so I don't want to just restore the whole thing.

I've got a backed up copy up and running on a test box, and the user record is there, so it hasn't been lost.

What is the best way to go about restoring the record? Can I just grab the record from MySQL in the backup system and insert it verbatim back into live? Will this work? Is there any other linked data that I will need to restore as well?

Also, is there any way for me to prevent this mistake from happening again? We already had it in our user guide that user accounts should be deactivated and not deleted, but that was obviously ignored; is there a way to enforce it in Joomla not to delete users?