I did make a joomla and database backup from online site to localhost.(install wamp, download the files, import the database do phpmyadmin, paste the files into www folder from wapm and configure the configurration.php file where iI changed the $db, $user, $password, $log_path and $tmp_path).
When iI run the localhost:port/project-folder itsit shows a blank page.
iI did inspect elementwith browser inspector and on NetwarkNetwork tab its saysit shows code 200, method get, but nothing its transfiredit's transferred back from server.
Ps: when iWhen I type on url: localhost/port/project-folder/administrator itsit shows the administrator login, but cant enter with my profile. thank you (sorry for bad english)
What's wrong? How to successfully restore the site on my localhost and why I can't login to the backend?